Crona price crypto

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Coronavirus outbreak fears weigh on crypto as bitcoin slumps over 10% this past week
ABSTRACT?Based on the Bitcoin exchange data, COVID data, and Twitter data from January to July , this paper compares the performance of four. This paper reports our findings on the return dynamics of Bitcoin and Ethereum using high-frequency data (minute-by-minute observations) from to 5, 6 and Table 2 shows 1% increase in COVID confirmed cases spur Litecoin, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin cash market price by %, %, %, and %.
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However, given the overall volatility in the value of CC, firms need to be cautious and understand the nature of the volatility. Therefore, we fit the same models, but with the absolute value of the Spread. For instance, CCs are very volatile and do not behave like traditional currencies Gajardo et al. Acknowledgements Not applicable. We analyze the aforementioned effect at the global level because CC is traded globally.