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She said she wants to and any questions were explained away because banks were very decided to wait weeks before the Missing Millionsis. How could a seemingly healthy young man die suddenly from Atlantic Right Whale.

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Best app for stock and crypto More about bitcoin scammer Canada FBI. Robertson said she trusted Cotten, and any questions were explained away because banks were very "anti-bitcoin" and there were problems exchanging cryptocurrency for cash through traditional means. Gerald Cotten was just 30 when he died in India in December But, after he died, I had to learn quickly. She was just as flabbergasted as everyone else, opening computers and homes for searches by police and still learning little about what ultimately became of all that money. I do remember Gerry telling me how careful he was to make sure his business was above reproach. Consider , for example, the year Gerry began Quadriga.
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Bitcoin fraudster�s widow breaks silence about the missing crypto millions
Gerald Cotten was a Bitcoin entrepreneur. Robertson didn't know exactly what that meant, but she didn't think she needed to. Cotten was smart. Jennifer Robertson is the widow of Gerald Cotten, the serial scammer who founded the QuadrigaCX crypto exchange and stole between CAD$ million and CAD$ Eccentric but funny and kind, Cotten turned out to be a bitcoin wizard who quickly amassed substantial wealth through his company, Quadriga. The couple.
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